

Explain the following concepts in 300 words each.

Q 1-a

a.The Peaceof Westphalia

Q 1-b

b. Flagof Convenience

Q 1-c

c. Eurodollar

Q 1-d

D. bank run

Q 1-e

e. Neutrality

Q 1-f

f. atomic swap

문제 1)

Explain the following concepts in 300 words each.

Eachcountry’s equal sovereignty is respected and the choice of religion andpolitical system are free from foreign interference. It is European word orderwhich has upheld by the power of multiple great nations to balance their powers.

asystem in which a ship's registration is placed in a third country rather thanthe owner's country to avoid taxes and regulations. This is overwhelminglycommon in small countries like Panama and the Marshall Islands, where registrationprocedures are simple and inexpensive, and it is not required to hire onlylocals to be on board. This means that long-distance voyages are not dangerouseven without the flag of a powerful nation. It was possible because of thefreedom of navigation under American’s their own governing system.

The official name of Eurodollars is"offshore banking," and it is easy to understand if you think of itas the "name-lending bond market" for multinational corporations andgovernments. When the British pound weakened, the UK did not impose regulationsin order to maintain its position as a global financial hub, even if it meantswitching to the dollar. This is also a byproduct of the geopolitical strategyof the United States, which had pressured British imperialism.

A bankonly holds a portion of its customers' deposits and generates revenue bylending remainder and earning interest. This is because financial premise isbased on people's different time preferences which lead to a mismatch in timehorizons. However, a bank run occurs when many clients withdraw their moneyfrom a bank in a short period of time because they believe that the bank mayfail in the near future.

Neutralitymeans not making judgments. It is difficult to maintain neutrality ininternational finance because they have a stake in the success or failure ofsystems. The government also cannot act as a neutral arbitrator and oftenchanges policies, arbitrarily deciding winners and losers, leading to the arbitraryredistribution of wealth.

Atomic swap refers to atomicity andbartering, and it is a technology that enables trustless transactions betweendifferent blockchains without third-party intervention. For example, you canfreeze the private key of a Bitcoin and issue Ethereum coins which can beexchanged at a fixed ratio as Bitcoin.

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