

Q 10)

If the price of BTC MOBICK reaches 2 million won, it would bepossible to acquire the management rights of reputable companies by investingonly from 100,000 to 500,000 units. Of course, O Taemin cannot and should notundertake this task. Therefore, it is necessary to premise that there exists aseparate entity within the ecosystem that can distribute BTC MOBICK to existingshareholders of companies and facilitate mergers and acquisitions. If this issueis resolved so mergers and acquisitions become possible and necessary, whichcompanies or types of companies should be prioritized for acquisition to helpthe growth of BTC MOBICK ecosystem? And what are the reasons for this?

Additionally,the method of proactively expanding the ecosystem after acquiring companies byhanding over a significant amount of BTC MOBICK to established companies andburning the rest conflicts with the BTC MOBICK’s original plan. Despite this,if this method must be pursued, under what circumstances would it beappropriate, and what are the potential risks of this method (participation inthe ecosystem through acquisition)?

(Please refrain from consideringgenetic-related companies or businesses that O Taemin had attempted and failed.)

문제 1)

At the moment, the founder of BTC MOBICK’s, O Taemin, plans totransfer BTC MOBICK to specific companies. These include media companies, bigtech companies, universities, and green energy companies. For media companiescan prevent indiscriminate attacks on BTC MOBICK ecosystem and to utilizeairdrops for advertising and marketing purposes. For big tech companies, BTCMOBICK is necessary to develop identity verification, micro-payments, and smartcontracts. Universities will receive BTC MOBICK for academic dissemination andresearch, and green energy companies will receive it to demonstrate how tooptimize power generation industries using the POW mining method.

Who can use BTC MOBICK to acquire companies? Ecosystem members whoreceived airdrops or individuals who purchased BTC MOBICK do not possess enoughto acquire companies. If the creator cannot proceed with acquisitions, thencompanies that have received BTC MOBICK may consider using it for acquisitionsif necessary.

In that case, the most beneficial for the growth of BTC MOBICKecosystem would be tech industries acquiring banks. Big tech companies that ownmobile devices offer pay services, but these are currently distant fromfinancial services. However, if blockchain-based identity verification andmicro-payments are combined, it can create tremendous synergy in developingcountries which enables finance without traditional financial networks. Banking,however, requires qualifications granted by the state, and existing big techcompanies might acquire banking licenses like Kakao did. This process istime-consuming and not guaranteed. If M&As are possible, it will be muchquicker and allows the acquisition of banking know-how to rapidly advance thebusiness. Moreover, mobile device-based identity verification and paymentservices could face restriction from foreign governments, therefore the bankinglicense is more necessary.

Having companies that received BTC MOBICK from the creator use itfor acquisitions does not conflict with the creator’s initial plans. However, sellingsignificant amount of BTC MOBICK will potentially impact the ecosystem. If BTCMOBICK transferred to companies is used for marketing purposes or talentacquisition, the distribution will not be massive and will be spread over arelatively long period of time. However, acquiring company shares will requirea large amount of BTC MOBICK. If major shareholders of the acquired companysell BTC MOBICK, it could place a substantial burden on the ecosystem.

Additionally, if BTC MOBICK is used for acquisitions instead ofstock exchange, the entire stock of the acquired company would need to bepurchased with BTC MOBICK. Some major shareholders might prefer cash or stockover BTC MOBICK.

In such cases, whether the acquiring company can exchange cash orstock is another story. Various factors could arise in persuading majorshareholders, and this leads to potentially hinder the acquisition process.

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